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Voice Search Optimization - How to Optimize Your Website
Voice Search Optimization - How to Optimize Your Website
Learn how to optimize your website for voice search with these expert tips.

Voice Search Optimization - How to Optimize Your Website For Voice Search

With smart speakers, smartphones, and wearables becoming increasingly prevalent, the use of voice search is on the rise. Optimizing your website for voice search can help you tap into this growing audience and grow your online presence.

When it comes to voice search, keywords play a crucial role. You’ll need to research and select questions that are commonly searched using voice search such as “who, what, when, where, and how”. To do this, use a Keyword Planner tool.


Voice search is growing in popularity, and it’s important to optimize your site for it. This includes optimizing keywords, improving mobile optimization, and ensuring that your content answers user queries in a natural, conversational tone. To do this, you should use tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and SEMrush to identify relevant keywords and understand how your competitors are ranking for them. You can also use tools such as Google’s autocomplete and “People Also Ask” features to get a better idea of what your audience is searching for.

Unlike text-based searches, voice search queries tend to be longer and more conversational in nature, often taking the form of questions. Therefore, it’s important to target long-tail keywords for your voice search content. Also, you should avoid using technical jargon and instead aim for natural language.

In addition to technical optimization, it’s crucial to understand your audience and their pain points. This will help you tailor your content to answer their questions and improve your chances of appearing in position zero, the featured snippet. To do this, you should identify your target audience’s most common pain points and the questions they frequently ask. Then, you should create FAQ pages to answer those questions.


NLP is a form of artificial intelligence that helps search engines understand the meaning behind a query. It’s an essential component of modern SEO methods because it allows users to get the answers they need in a faster manner. NLP is also important because it can be used to determine whether or not a page will answer a specific question and direct people to the right place on a website. This helps users to stay away from irrelevant pages that are likely to take up too much of their time and reduces the overall page load speed.

NLP can be used to optimize a site for voice searches by creating more relevant content that matches the natural language of a search query. It also helps improve the accuracy of voice assistants by allowing them to recognize tone, patterns, and other aspects of speech. It can also help make searches more efficient and provide better results, including featured snippets and zero-result SERPS.

To optimize your site for NLP, you should use long-tail keywords and incorporate interrogative phrases like “who, what, when, where, why, and how.” This will give your content a more conversational tone and help it rank well in voice search queries. You should also aim to provide a concise and clear answer to your searchers’ questions.

Schema markup

Schema markup is an essential element of optimizing your site for voice search and other emerging technologies. It helps search engines understand your page content, and it can also increase the chances of being selected as a featured snippet in SERPs. Using schema marksup also allows you to create rich snippets, which can boost click-through rates and improve user experience.

If you are new to schema markup, there are several options for getting started. First, find a tool that supports the type of schema you want to use. Then, choose a template and add your data items to the appropriate spots on the page. The tool will then generate HTML with the markup inserted. You can then copy and paste the code into your CMS or source code. Then, test your markup using a structured data testing tool. This will help you identify any errors or warnings and fix them before they impact your SEO performance.

Another option for implementing schema is to use Google Tag Manager (GTM). This method is especially useful for marketers who have a slow turnaround time with their development teams. Once you’ve implemented GTM, you can add the schema as a custom HTML tag on your website. This will enable you to trigger the schema markup based on a specific URL. This way, you can get started quickly and improve your SEO visibility without having to wait for a developer to implement the changes.


As voice search becomes increasingly popular, it’s important to optimize your site for it. Voice search uses natural language processing and artificial intelligence to understand user queries and provide results aligned with their intent. This technology is used by popular voice assistants like Apple Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa. The best way to optimize your website for voice search is to prioritize conversational language and long-tail keywords that mimic how people speak. Additionally, you should focus on optimizing your content for featured snippets and local SEO and make sure that your site is mobile-responsive.

The majority of voice searches are in the form of questions, so it’s important to include relevant question keywords in your content. You can use tools like Answer the Public and Google Keyword Planner to identify common question keywords. Additionally, you should use long-tail keywords that are specific to your business and target your audience. This will help you rank higher in voice search results.

You should also optimize your content for multiple voice search platforms. Although Google is the dominant platform, Siri, Amazon Alexa, and Microsoft Cortana all draw their search results from different sources. This means that it’s not enough to optimize your website for Google – you must optimize it for all of these platforms to maximize visibility and reach.

Authored by: Team GTR Posted at: 07 Sep 2023
SEO Myths Debunked
SEO Myths Debunked
SEO is full of myths and misinformation. It's crucial to separate the truth from the hype to create an effective strategy.

SEO Myths Debunked

SEO is a murky field, full of misinformation and misconceptions. It’s easy to fall victim to these myths, especially when following advice from forum "advisors."

It’s important to separate the truth from the hype in order to create an effective SEO strategy this year. Let’s debunk some of the biggest SEO myths:

Myth 1: Keywords aren’t important

There’s a lot of bad advice out there. That’s true whether you’re investing your money, cooking, raising children or digital marketing. Some of the worst advice comes from people who think they know something but really don’t.

One of the most damaging SEO myths is that keywords aren’t important anymore. This is false, and it stems from a lack of understanding of what keywords are actually about. Keywords are the words and phrases that search engines use to find content on the web. This means that they are an important part of how search engines work and should be a top consideration when you’re creating content for your website.

Keywords are important because they help you to understand how people search for the information they need. For example, if someone searches “attorney,” they may have the intent to hire a lawyer for a personal injury case. However, if someone searches “workers compensation attorney in nyc,” they have the intent to hire an attorney for a workers’ comp case. Knowing the difference between the two intents is important to ensure your content is relevant to the right people.

Another thing to remember is that SEO is constantly evolving. That’s why it’s important to stay up to date on the latest changes and updates. This way, you can be sure that your site is following best practices and keeping up with the changing search engine landscape.

Myth 2: Your mobile site doesn’t impact your rankings

Many businesses believe that their mobile site doesn’t impact SEO rankings. After all, if a web page looks good on a desktop browser, it should also look good on a phone, right? This is a myth that has to be debunked, as mobile user experience is one of the most important factors when it comes to search engine rankings.

A site that isn’t mobile-optimized will have a slower loading speed, which will cause visitors to lose patience and move on to a competitor’s website. This can lead to a huge loss in business, especially for local companies that depend on clients within a close proximity.

Google’s mobile-first indexing strategy reaffirms that your desktop and mobile sites should be in alignment. This will ensure that your content is being fully evaluated by the search engines, and that all of your data is being accounted for.

There are a lot of myths about SEO that need to be busted, but this is a very damaging myth. It causes people to think that there is a shortcut to success in the world of digital marketing, and that it is easy to achieve quick wins with little work. While there are some cases of this, the vast majority of SEO campaigns require significant time and effort to succeed. This is why it is so important to partner with an experienced agency like SilverDisc, who can help you debunk these SEO Myths and get your business on the path to growth.

Myth 3: Content is king

Many new writers, and old writers who have a bit of a blind spot, hear experts tell them that “content is king” and assume that means that they can just write some great articles, get them published on their website and rank for all the keywords they’re going after. However, while content is definitely an important piece of the SEO puzzle, it’s not enough on its own to make you a top-ranked site. You also need a strong social media presence, on-page search engine optimization, clever backlink strategies and the right talent to pull it all together.

It used to be that you could throw a list of keywords into some well-crafted text and Google would reward your efforts with stellar rankings. However, as time has gone on and Google’s algorithms have become more sophisticated, this kind of manipulation is now frowned upon (and sometimes even penalized). Today, it’s much more important to focus on writing quality, relevant articles that your audience will find valuable.

Whether you’re an attorney looking to improve your law firm’s visibility online or a small business owner trying to stay competitive with the big boys, SEO is an important tool for any marketing strategy. By taking the time to educate yourself on what’s really happening in the world of SEO and dispelling some of the myths that are out there, you’ll be able to create a more effective digital marketing campaign.

Myth 4: Google is the only search engine

The number of search engines that exist, including Bing and Yahoo, continues to grow. Although Google has a majority market share, it’s not the only search engine.

Many people think that if they use certain SEO techniques, Google will reward them by ranking their site high. However, this type of thinking can be misleading. The success of a given SEO technique varies from website to website, depending on the niche and audience it serves, competitors and the technology used. Therefore, it’s a bad idea to copy an SEO method from another website without testing it first on your own.

For example, if someone tells you to implement LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords on your site, try searching for the words you included in those tags using an advanced search. If you find results, then this method does work. However, it’s important to note that this is not the only way to rank your website, nor are LSI keywords the most effective tool for SEO.

Furthermore, the myth that Google rewards businesses that spend money on its AdWords program with higher organic rankings is false. This has nothing to do with Google’s algorithm that determines the organic ranking of a page, and only has an indirect effect on your SEO if you run a paid ad campaign with Google.

Authored by: Team GTR Posted at: 06 Sep 2023
How to Optimize for Mobile SEO
How to Optimize for Mobile SEO
Analyze desktop and mobile traffic with Google Analytics.

How to Optimize for Mobile SEO

Mobile users expect websites to load quickly and have easy-to-use navigation. Use Google Analytics to analyze your desktop and mobile site traffic.

A great mobile UX is key to improving your SEO. If your website loads slowly on a mobile device, that sends a bad signal to Google. To fix this, you can:

1. Optimize your website for mobile

Mobile users rely on their phones and tablets for access to information and products, so optimizing your site for mobile is imperative. It’s also a critical component of your digital marketing strategy, as it can increase search engine rankings and improve your site’s user experience.

Your mobile site should be optimized for speed, design, tap targets and font size. Avoid using pop-ups, as they can frustrate users and lead to higher bounce rates, which will hurt your search engine ranking. In addition, ensure your mobile site is designed for the finger, which means avoiding large amounts of text and making sure your tap targets are easy to hit. Also, be sure to remove any elements that are not responsive, such as flash, as most mobile devices cannot display this content.

Another way to optimize your website for mobile is to use AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), which is an open source project that creates web pages that are fast, light and simple to read on mobile devices. This is a great way to boost your mobile SEO without having to develop a separate website or re-write existing content.

Remember that mobile visitors have limited screen space and reduced bandwidth, so your mobile website must be fast and easy to navigate. Your page titles should be short and concise, while your meta descriptions must be compelling and informative, without committing the cardinal sin of keyword stuffing.

2. Optimize your content

In addition to optimizing the structure of your website for mobile search, you also need to optimize the content. When people are using mobile devices to conduct searches, they typically have very little time and a limited attention span. That means your content needs to be easy to read and scannable. It also needs to be optimized for keywords that match how people search on mobile devices.

This is a subset of SEO that is distinctly different from desktop SEO, and it requires specific best practices for success. For example, you need to create titles and meta descriptions that are short and concise, and you need to use fewer keywords than you would on a desktop site. You should also make sure your content is tagged properly, as this affects how mobile search results are displayed.

Page speed is another important factor when it comes to mobile SEO. Due to hardware and connectivity limitations, users on mobile devices have very short attention spans and tend to abandon websites that take too long to load. You can improve your mobile page speed by minimizing image file sizes, minifying code, and leveraging browser caching.

Additionally, it is helpful to optimize your content for mobile search by including keywords in the title and meta description of your pages. This will help ensure that your content is relevant to mobile users, and it can also improve your click-through rate (CTR) on search engine result pages (SERPs). For more tips on optimizing your title tags for mobile search, check out this blog post.

3. Optimize your site for social media

Optimizing for mobile SEO requires a full site review to make sure that your website’s content and structure is responsive and offers the best possible user experience. This is especially important given Google’s switch to mobile-first indexing, which means that search engines will evaluate your site based on its mobile version before its desktop one.

A mobile-optimized site should focus on the tasks that most visitors complete on your site. Whether they’re looking to learn more about your business, buy your product, or sign up for your email newsletter, the goal is to provide a seamless and enjoyable experience that makes them want to return. This will help you increase your dwell time and improve your mobile-search ranking.

In addition to making your site responsive, it’s also important to optimize it for speed. Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool provides separate results for mobile and desktop versions of your website, and you can use the suggestions provided to boost both sets of scores.

It’s also helpful to keep in mind that most users on mobile devices have limited screen space, so your title tags and meta descriptions should be short and concise. Title tags over 70 characters are more likely to be shortened or rewritten by Google, so try to stick to the recommended limit.

4. Optimize your site for voice search

Mobile users often search by voice to fulfill an immediate need, such as getting directions or answering a question. Therefore, your site should be optimized for these types of queries. This involves ensuring that your website is responsive, loads quickly and offers a great user experience. To check whether your site is mobile-friendly, you can use Google’s Mobile Speed Test.

Optimizing your website for voice search also involves using conversational language and focusing on long-tail keywords to mimic how people speak. You should also focus on featured snippets and local SEO to improve the chances that your content is picked up by voice assistants. You can also add structured data to your SERP snippets by using schema markup. This will allow you to add things like recipe stars or reviews, which can make your results stand out more on mobile devices.

Finally, you should optimize your website for voice search by making sure that the text on your site is easily readable and provides useful answers to common questions. In addition, you should try to create a variety of different types of content that can answer various queries. This will help you reach a wider audience and ensure that your content is relevant to voice searches across different demographics. For example, millennials may use voice searches to find restaurants while Gen Z might prefer to ask their smart speakers how to get directions.

Authored by: Team GTR Posted at: 06 Sep 2023
On-Page Vs Off-Page SEO
On-Page Vs Off-Page SEO
On-page SEO optimizes

On-Page Vs Off-Page SEO

SEO can be a complex process. It involves so many different components, and even small changes can have a significant impact on your rankings.

On-page SEO consists of optimizing HTML elements like titles, meta descriptions, content and internal links to make it easier for search engines to understand your website. It’s a crucial element of any digital marketing strategy.


Keywords are the words and phrases people use to search for information online. Knowing the right keywords to target can help you optimize your content and website to meet searcher intent, resulting in more qualified traffic.

On-page SEO is the process of optimizing a single page on your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). It includes changes to the content, title tag, meta description, and URL to improve its organic ranking potential.

This is one of the most important aspects of SEO because it ensures that your content can be found by those searching for it. To improve your on-page SEO, try to include keywords in your titles and descriptions and ensure that they are relevant to your content. It’s also important to avoid keyword stuffing, which means using keywords too often or in ways that don’t make sense for your content.

Off-page SEO is the process of promoting your website through backlinks and other offsite activities. It is more difficult to measure and track than on-page SEO, but it can have a significant impact on your SERP rankings. Off-page SEO tactics can include link building, guest posting, social media marketing, and other promotional activities that encourage others to link to your site or share your content. This is a great way to demonstrate your authority and trustworthiness to search engines, which can lead to higher rankings in the SERPs.

On-Page Optimization

The on-page component of search engine optimization involves optimizing various front-end and back-end elements of your website to improve your ranking in search engines and increase traffic. This includes things like content optimization and technical SEO (i.e., site speed and mobile readiness).

On-page optimization can be relatively simple for smaller websites. For example, changing your permalinks to include keywords (e.g., '/snowboard-sizing') is a straightforward on-page SEO practice that can have a huge impact. In contrast, off-page SEO strategies like link building can take months to see results.

Generally speaking, the more quality on-page SEO you have, the better off you will be in the long run. This is because Google places a high value on user experience, which in turn equates to better search engine rankings.

Another advantage of on-page optimization is that it is within your control, whereas off-page strategies are often outside your control. This can be a major disadvantage for many businesses, especially those that operate in highly competitive industries.

A great way to get your off-page SEO on track is by writing high-quality content that other websites will reference and link to. This is one of the best ways to build your domain authority, which in turn translates to higher search engine rankings. A good way to do this is by contributing to question-and-answer sites such as Stack Overflow and Quora. You can also create your own content on these platforms, such as a how-to guide or whitepaper.


Ultimately, on-page and off-page SEO work together to boost your search engine ranking in complementary fashion. However, most SEOs recommend getting your on-page ducks in a row before focusing too much energy on off-page SEO.

Off-page SEO refers to activities that promote your website or brand around the web. This includes everything from writing guest blogs to promoting your content via social media. It also involves creating buzz around your business by hosting events, encouraging customer reviews, and replying to them (good or bad).

When reputable and relevant sites and people link to your content, they're effectively "voting" for it, and as such, helping Google decide whether it deserves to be surfaced in search results. As such, the quality of the site and the content that's linking to you is far more important than the number of backlinks you have.

For example, if you're writing about saving orphaned kittens and you receive a backlink from another site about car racing, the relevance of that link is going to be far higher than if you received a backlink from a site dedicated to cleaning up oil spills. It's also worth noting that, while backlink quantity is still important, it's becoming increasingly more so to focus on the quality of your links. For this reason, it's often a better idea to build relationships with influencers in your industry and ask them for a high-quality link rather than simply buy them.


SEO analytics is the process of analyzing data from your website to make informed decisions about your online marketing strategy. It’s an important part of the SEO process because it allows you to see how your content is performing and where you need to improve. It also helps you track your progress over time so you can measure the impact of your SEO efforts.

Search engines like Google send out crawlers, or “spiders,” to explore the web and create a map of its contents called a search index. These spiders look for things like title tags, meta descriptions, internal links, and other on-page optimization elements to determine how well a site answers queries from users. Search engine algorithms are constantly changing, which means that optimizing your content is an ongoing effort.

Creating SEO content that is both useful and relevant to user queries is the cornerstone of on-page SEO. The title tag of your blog post, for example, tells search engines what your page is about. Using keywords in your titles and subheadings ensures that your content will be shown to people who are searching for those terms.

Another aspect of on-page SEO is internal linking, which involves linking to other pages on your site using descriptive anchor text. For instance, many of our blogs feature related articles in the “further reading” section. This helps search engines understand the context of your content and makes it more likely to rank you higher in SERPs.

Authored by: Team GTR Posted at: 06 Sep 2023
Importance of Keyword Research
Importance of Keyword Research
A Guide on How to Perform Keyword Research Effectively

The Importance of Keyword Research

In all digital marketing strategies, the first step should be keyword research. Whether you're creating a blog post or designing a PPC campaign, it's essential to ensure that the terms used in searches are relevant to your business and can attract potential customers. 

Getting this step right is crucial, as it determines the success of your content. Search queries reflect intent and can be a strong indicator of buyer readiness. Therefore, it's important to focus on the right keywords to reach your target audience.

A Guide on How to Perform Keyword Research Effectively

Keyword research is the process of finding the search terms that people type into search engines, and it’s the cornerstone of any successful SEO strategy. The goal is to find keywords that align with user intent, have a reasonable amount of search volume, and fit your business.

This can be done manually or with various tools that help make the process faster. Regardless of how you approach it, keyword research should be an ongoing process that’s constantly being refined and updated.

Often, the result of a keyword research session is that you realize a search term has too low of a search volume to be worth your while. If this happens, carefully consider if pursuing it is truly worthwhile and what adjustments you might need to make. Other times, you may discover that the term has too many competitors and would be extremely difficult to rank for. If that’s the case, move on to another keyword.

Why It’s Crucial for SEO

The main reason that keyword research is critical to SEO is that it allows you to uncover the specific terms that your audience is searching for online. This enables you to create content that aligns with their search intent, which can ultimately drive traffic and conversions to your site.

Performing keyword research can also help you find “good” keywords that have high search volume and are relatively easy to rank for, which can then form the basis of your SEO strategy. You can use many different keyword research tools, including Google Keyword Planner (GKP), Ahrefs Site Explorer, and more.

In addition to looking at traffic potential, ranking difficulty, and search intent, you should also consider the business value that could come from ranking for a given keyword. This is especially true if the keyword indicates that your audience is closer to the bottom of the funnel, and are actively searching for a solution to their problem.

Tools That Can Help

There are a lot of tools that can help with keyword research. Some of them are free, while others have limited functionality or come with a subscription. The best choice depends on your budget and your overall SEO strategy.

For example, if you’re running a sportswear ecommerce business and want to boost your blog content around healthy living, you could target keywords like “low-impact workouts.” You can use a tool to see how many people search for these terms each month and how competitive they are. This helps you create content that’s relevant to consumer intent, which can lead to better SERP rankings and more clicks.

For a comprehensive set of tools, you can try Moz’s Keyword Explorer. Its robust database goes back 16 years, and you can compare your results to those of your competitors. Moz also has a comprehensive rank tracking tool and other features that make it worth the price of the subscription.

Key Takeaways

Whether you’re doing paid search or organic SEO, keywords are essential. The right keyword research can help your brand rank higher in search results and bring in more qualified traffic. However, it’s important to remember that popularity is not the only factor when selecting keywords. Consider the buyer intent of each search query when deciding which keywords to target. Searchers looking for general information will not convert to sales as easily as those who are ready to buy.

In Good to Great, Collins and his team used the flywheel analogy to describe how successful companies can transform from good to great. A strong, effective keyword research strategy can help your business achieve this transformation by driving organic search traffic that is representative of your ideal customer. Ultimately, it’s all about finding the most valuable keywords to your organization. This guide lays out a process to identify these keywords based on traffic potential, difficulty, and search intent.


Authored by: Team GTR Posted at: 16 Aug 2023

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