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How to Conduct an SEO Audit
How to Conduct an SEO Audit
To improve your website's visibility, conduct an SEO audit.

How to Conduct an SEO Audit

Performing an SEO audit can reveal issues that affect your site’s ability to rank. This can include things like Javascript, viewport coding and hreflang attributes.


An SEO audit can also reveal opportunities to improve content. This may be in the form of adding more relevant keywords or adjusting content to better meet user needs.


1. Technical Aspects

The first step in conducting a successful SEO audit is to examine the technical aspects of your website. This includes checking your sitemaps, analyzing the competition, and evaluating competitor keywords. You should also check for errors such as duplicate content, 404s, and non-canonical URLs (different URLs for the same page).


This part of an SEO audit is a crucial one because it ensures that your website is easily crawled. If your website is not crawled, it won’t be indexed, and thus, won’t appear in search engine results pages (SERPs).


Another important aspect of technical SEO is making sure that your website is mobile-friendly. Since Google’s mobile-first algorithm was implemented, it has become even more important for websites to be optimized for mobile devices. You can test your site’s mobile-friendliness by using Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test Tool.


Finally, you should check that your website is up to date with the latest SEO best practices. This means ensuring that your site is structured properly, having good internal and external links, and making use of metadata (including meta titles and descriptions). Also, you should make sure that your site is secure by checking its SSL certificate. This will help prevent malicious activity from hackers and protect sensitive information such as credit card numbers or social security numbers.


2. Content

A website is a very important asset for any business and one of the most important aspects to consider when it comes to SEO is its content. This includes everything from meta titles and descriptions to body copy, headers, image alt text, keyword usage, etc. A good SEO audit should be able to find any content errors or opportunities that can help the site rank higher in organic search results and reduce its dependence on paid advertising campaigns.


There are a variety of tools available to help with this process, and it is always best to start with a crawl, which will give you an overall overview of the website and highlight any major issues. These can include errors (which need immediate attention), warnings (should be addressed sooner rather than later), and notices (that are more for awareness). Some of these tools can also help you to spot broken pages on your site, which can cause serious damage if they continue to be indexed by Google or if they have backlinks from other sites.


Conducting a content SEO audit can be beneficial to anyone who works in the field of online marketing, whether it is an agency owner or a digital marketer. This will allow them to take a step back from their day-to-day work and evaluate the progress that they have made with their clients. It will also allow them to see any areas of their client’s website that need further development or are currently lacking in visibility.


3. Backlinks

Essentially, a backlink is a hyperlink that leads to your site from another website. During an SEO audit, you need to evaluate the quality of your backlink profile and find ways to improve it.


The best way to do this is by analyzing the backlinks of your competitors. This will help you understand how they rank in search engine results pages and what types of links are working for them. You can also learn from their mistakes and apply them to your own strategy.


However, it’s important to note that not all backlinks are equal. You should avoid anything that looks low-quality or spammy, as it could have a negative impact on your ranking. This includes PBNs (private blog networks), paid links, and link exchanges.


To make sure that your backlinks are clean, you should run them through a tool like Moz’s Backlink Audit Tool. This will check for spammy links based on 17 different factors. It will also evaluate your overall backlink health and tell you if any of your links are at risk of being penalized by Google.


Another way to evaluate your backlinks is by using a competitor analysis tool that will provide you with a list of all the sites that are linking to your competitors. You can then use this information to reach out to those sites and ask them for a link.


4. User Experience

A well-conducted SEO audit will make sure all the elements on your site are functioning as they should. This will help safeguard you against misguided SEO tactics, which could have been applied in an effort to manipulate search ranking algorithms. Performing an SEO audit will also allow you to refocus your SEO strategy back on users and not just on search engines.


A good example of this would be to ensure that your website has an up-to-date and comprehensive set of contact details. This is an important factor in ensuring that potential customers can get in touch with your business in the most effective way possible. It is also important to check that all your forms and checkout processes are working properly so that you can convert visitors into customers.


Another aspect of the user experience to check is whether your site is easy to navigate. This includes checking things like page load speed, mobile responsiveness and if any of your pages are redirecting to 404 errors (page not found).


A good way to check if your site is up to scratch in this regard is to run a “crawl” with software such as Ahrefs or SEMrush. These will scan your website for various SEO factors and give you a report on any errors, warnings or notices that should be addressed immediately.

Authored by: Team GTR Posted at: 07 Sep 2023
The Role of Content Marketing in Search Engine Optimization
The Role of Content Marketing in Search Engine Optimization
(SEO) is a technique used by digital marketers to increase the visibility and ranking of a website on search engine results pages (SERPs)

The Role of Content Marketing in Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization and content marketing must work in tandem. Those who neglect one of these two crucial tactics will be missing out on significant business opportunities.

When executed effectively, content marketing can generate more traffic and convert more customers. It can also improve a brand’s online visibility and position them as an authority in their field.

Attract Users

Creating high-quality, relevant content can not only attract but also retain users. This is especially true if the content aligns with user intent and helps search engines identify your content as valuable and relevant to their query.

When you produce quality content, it demonstrates your expertise and builds trust. It can also help you establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry, positioning you as the go-to source for information on a particular subject matter.

Another key reason to invest in content marketing is that it can generate leads and sales. By using attractive call to action (CTA) strategies, such as offering free trials or consultations, you can encourage prospective customers to contact you for more information. This way, they’re more likely to make a purchase when the time comes.

Using different types of content formats can also enhance your reach and engagement. For example, video content such as tutorials and product demos is more engaging than written articles, and it can also increase conversion rates. You can also forge a more meaningful relationship with your audience by encouraging them to interact with your brand through community-building activities, such as contests and surveys. Finally, analyzing your content regularly can help you gain insights and make data-driven decisions to improve your strategy. This includes tracking metrics such as website traffic, engagement rates, and conversion rates.

Retain Users

A good content marketer knows that creating high-quality, relevant content is the best way to retain users. It’s not Field of Dreams; you don’t just create the content and they will come. You have to drive traffic.

One of the ways to do this is with email. Content marketers know that building an email list is the key to content marketing success. That’s why they focus on this aspect of their strategy. They also create podcasts and other audio and video content to engage their audience, especially on mobile devices.

They also use a variety of techniques to increase engagement and loyalty, such as quizzes and other interactive tools. In addition, they make sure their content is search engine optimized (SEO) without sacrificing quality or value. This is important because a well-thought-out, targeted content strategy is essential to B2B marketing success.

Lastly, they make their content available to customers and potential buyers on all devices. In this way, they ensure that their content is always relevant and up to date. They also use customer development interviews to learn more about their audience and how they’re using their product or service. This helps them better understand their customers’ needs and create content that truly resonates with them. As a result, they increase user retention and overall customer lifetime value.

Attract Links

Content marketing is the process of creating, publishing and promoting digital content on a consistent basis in order to attract users and convert them into customers. It can take many forms, from blog articles and podcasts to ebooks, white papers and technical solution briefs. The key is to create high-quality, relevant content that speaks to the needs and concerns of your audience.

In addition to generating organic traffic, quality content is also useful in building up brand reputation and credibility and increasing search engine visibility. Additionally, it can help to generate leads, improve customer satisfaction and increase conversion rates.

Creating high-quality, relevant content that speaks to your audience’s needs and concerns is the most effective way to attract links to your website. This can be done through guest blogging, creating evergreen content and leveraging user-generated content (UGC) to reach a wider audience. For example, Taylor Swift recently used YouTube Shorts to host the #TSAntiHeroChallenge, which saw fans uploading their own reaction videos to the lead single from her latest album.

However, it’s important to consider the nature of your business before embarking on a link building or content marketing campaign. Depending on your goals and the competitive landscape, one strategy may be more effective than the other. For example, if you’re looking to establish your brand, content marketing will be more helpful than if you are trying to generate sales.


Creating high-quality, relevant content is a critical element of any marketing strategy. However, many content marketers fail to understand that merely producing engaging material is not enough to boost SEO ranking and traffic. In order to see results, a content marketing plan needs to be executed with the goal of achieving search engine optimization (SEO).

This process involves analyzing keywords and user intent, determining what types of information users are looking for, and then optimizing website pages accordingly. It also includes implementing SEO tactics, such as ensuring website speed and mobile-friendliness, to provide a positive user experience.

Content marketing strategies can also include writing high-quality blog posts, creating infographics and videos, and publishing eBooks on a consistent basis. These methods help to establish brand authority, build trust, and motivate lucrative consumer action.

Unlike traditional search engine optimization, which often has a haphazard approach to content production and only pays attention to keyword density, content marketing has a clearer understanding of the importance of quality. By focusing on the audience and using tools like project management platforms, writers can create effective content that is both user-friendly and search engine-friendly. This will allow for a more seamless integration of SEO into the overall content marketing strategy, resulting in higher search engine rankings and increased organic traffic and engagement.


Authored by: Team GTR Posted at: 07 Sep 2023
The Impact of User Experience and Core
The Impact of User Experience and Core
Improving User Experience and Optimizing Core Web Vitals for Better SEO

The Impact of User Experience and Core Web Vitals on SEO

Back in 2021, Google rolled out Core Web Vitals, which put user experience front and center for SEOs. Now, website teams must optimize for these essential metrics to retain and convert more visitors.

These three primary metrics measure your site's loading speed and visual stability. They're measured using "field data" from Chrome browsers over a 28-day period.

Page load speed

Traditionally, page speed has been one of the main concerns of SEOs and web developers. But with the Google page experience update and Core Web Vitals becoming ranking factors, there’s more to consider than just how fast a site loads. It’s also important to focus on user experience, as it affects whether users find the content they want to read or click through to other pages.

While there are many tools to measure and analyze a website’s performance, the easiest way to see how you’re doing is by using Google’s Page Speed Insights tool, which can be found in the Experience tab in Search Console. This tool will tell you which URLs have a good, needs improvement, or poor experience and provide suggestions on how to improve. However, it is important to note that the results from this tool are based on lab data rather than field data, and it is not uncommon for differences in lab and field data to result in a different score.

Another tool you can use to get a better sense of how your page speed is performing is the Core Web Vitals report (also in the Experience tab in Search Console). This will give you the results from field data over 28 days for three specific metrics: largest contentful paint, first input delay, and cumulative layout shift.

The results from the Core Web Vitals report will show you whether your page meets the standards set by Google. To receive the biggest rankings boost, your pages need to have at least a “good” experience in all three metrics. For example, if you have a good Largest Contentful Paint but a bad First Input Delay and an even worse Cumulative Layout Shift, your site is not going to rank highly.


As the use of mobile phones for web browsing continues to grow around the globe, it is important that websites be optimized for viewing on mobile devices. This is why Google has made mobile-friendliness a ranking factor in their search engine results, and it is a critical aspect of SEO to consider when developing a strategy for your website.

In order to be considered mobile-friendly, your site must meet a number of requirements including having responsive design that adjusts to fit the screen size of a user’s device, using HTML rather than Flash, avoiding horizontal scrolling and having text large enough for users to read on their mobile devices. Additionally, websites should test their mobile-friendliness by using Google’s free Mobile-Friendly Test tool and make any necessary adjustments to improve the overall quality of their site.

Mobile-friendliness is also a key component in Google’s Core Web Vitals metrics, which are a new set of page rank signals that focus on the overall user experience. Unlike old Google ranking factors that focused on security and device compatibility, Core Web Vitals (CWV) include measures like First Input Delay (FID), Interaction to Next Paint (INP), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) that are heavily influenced by user experience and have direct impact on search rankings.

While most businesses understand that they need to have a mobile-friendly website, many are still behind the curve in meeting best practices. In fact, when we recently hosted a webinar with Rebel Mouse on this topic, she noted that 77% of sites fail to meet CWV standards and only 10% have made any improvement since they were introduced in 2021.

When optimizing for mobile, it is important to look at both lab and field data in the Page Speed Insights tool, to get a more complete picture of your site’s performance. While the lab data is great for debugging and testing any changes you may be making to your site, the field data shows how a page actually performed on Chrome users’ devices over a 28-day period, so this is a more accurate representation of real-world performance.

Overall user experience

As the search engine industry has evolved, so too have web users. Today, a website that doesn’t meet user experience best practices isn’t going to rank well in the search engines. That’s why boosting your page speed and overall user experience should be your priority. By focusing on these metrics, you’ll improve engagement and conversion rates while increasing visibility.

Since the 2021 update, Google’s algorithm has been geared toward a more user-centric approach with page experience ranking factors. These Core Web Vitals metrics include Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

LCP measures the time it takes for the main content on a web page to load, which includes both media and text. This metric is important because it can affect the perceived loading speed of a site. A slow site can cause visitors to become frustrated and leave before the site has loaded, which may lead to a higher bounce rate.

FID measures the time it takes for the browser to receive an input from the user’s computer and respond to it. Ideally, this should occur in less than 100 ms. A long TTFB could result in poor user experience.

CLS is a measure of the visual stability of a page, which looks at how often elements on the screen shift and how far they move as the page loads. Optimizing for this metric can prevent users from clicking on things they don’t want to see, or getting lost as the page scrolls down.

The good news is that there are many tools available for measuring these metrics, and they can be used to identify areas of improvement. Start by comparing your site’s performance to those of competitors. You can also use Real User Monitoring (RUM) tools to collect field data for your site and correlate it with your key business metrics.

Authored by: Team GTR Posted at: 07 Sep 2023
Voice Search Optimization - How to Optimize Your Website
Voice Search Optimization - How to Optimize Your Website
Learn how to optimize your website for voice search with these expert tips.

Voice Search Optimization - How to Optimize Your Website For Voice Search

With smart speakers, smartphones, and wearables becoming increasingly prevalent, the use of voice search is on the rise. Optimizing your website for voice search can help you tap into this growing audience and grow your online presence.

When it comes to voice search, keywords play a crucial role. You’ll need to research and select questions that are commonly searched using voice search such as “who, what, when, where, and how”. To do this, use a Keyword Planner tool.


Voice search is growing in popularity, and it’s important to optimize your site for it. This includes optimizing keywords, improving mobile optimization, and ensuring that your content answers user queries in a natural, conversational tone. To do this, you should use tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and SEMrush to identify relevant keywords and understand how your competitors are ranking for them. You can also use tools such as Google’s autocomplete and “People Also Ask” features to get a better idea of what your audience is searching for.

Unlike text-based searches, voice search queries tend to be longer and more conversational in nature, often taking the form of questions. Therefore, it’s important to target long-tail keywords for your voice search content. Also, you should avoid using technical jargon and instead aim for natural language.

In addition to technical optimization, it’s crucial to understand your audience and their pain points. This will help you tailor your content to answer their questions and improve your chances of appearing in position zero, the featured snippet. To do this, you should identify your target audience’s most common pain points and the questions they frequently ask. Then, you should create FAQ pages to answer those questions.


NLP is a form of artificial intelligence that helps search engines understand the meaning behind a query. It’s an essential component of modern SEO methods because it allows users to get the answers they need in a faster manner. NLP is also important because it can be used to determine whether or not a page will answer a specific question and direct people to the right place on a website. This helps users to stay away from irrelevant pages that are likely to take up too much of their time and reduces the overall page load speed.

NLP can be used to optimize a site for voice searches by creating more relevant content that matches the natural language of a search query. It also helps improve the accuracy of voice assistants by allowing them to recognize tone, patterns, and other aspects of speech. It can also help make searches more efficient and provide better results, including featured snippets and zero-result SERPS.

To optimize your site for NLP, you should use long-tail keywords and incorporate interrogative phrases like “who, what, when, where, why, and how.” This will give your content a more conversational tone and help it rank well in voice search queries. You should also aim to provide a concise and clear answer to your searchers’ questions.

Schema markup

Schema markup is an essential element of optimizing your site for voice search and other emerging technologies. It helps search engines understand your page content, and it can also increase the chances of being selected as a featured snippet in SERPs. Using schema marksup also allows you to create rich snippets, which can boost click-through rates and improve user experience.

If you are new to schema markup, there are several options for getting started. First, find a tool that supports the type of schema you want to use. Then, choose a template and add your data items to the appropriate spots on the page. The tool will then generate HTML with the markup inserted. You can then copy and paste the code into your CMS or source code. Then, test your markup using a structured data testing tool. This will help you identify any errors or warnings and fix them before they impact your SEO performance.

Another option for implementing schema is to use Google Tag Manager (GTM). This method is especially useful for marketers who have a slow turnaround time with their development teams. Once you’ve implemented GTM, you can add the schema as a custom HTML tag on your website. This will enable you to trigger the schema markup based on a specific URL. This way, you can get started quickly and improve your SEO visibility without having to wait for a developer to implement the changes.


As voice search becomes increasingly popular, it’s important to optimize your site for it. Voice search uses natural language processing and artificial intelligence to understand user queries and provide results aligned with their intent. This technology is used by popular voice assistants like Apple Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa. The best way to optimize your website for voice search is to prioritize conversational language and long-tail keywords that mimic how people speak. Additionally, you should focus on optimizing your content for featured snippets and local SEO and make sure that your site is mobile-responsive.

The majority of voice searches are in the form of questions, so it’s important to include relevant question keywords in your content. You can use tools like Answer the Public and Google Keyword Planner to identify common question keywords. Additionally, you should use long-tail keywords that are specific to your business and target your audience. This will help you rank higher in voice search results.

You should also optimize your content for multiple voice search platforms. Although Google is the dominant platform, Siri, Amazon Alexa, and Microsoft Cortana all draw their search results from different sources. This means that it’s not enough to optimize your website for Google – you must optimize it for all of these platforms to maximize visibility and reach.

Authored by: Team GTR Posted at: 07 Sep 2023

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